Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cupcake Queen

I've started working on a series with my friend Claire, in which she photographs persons with hair/makeup/etc stylization to represent their personalities and interests. This is our first one, and a bit experimental. Linda, the Cupcake Queen.

The hair turned out very well, especially considering I forgot to bring heat styling tools, and bobby pins (?!?! (I was running on very little sleep.))

The makeup--I could definitely have gone darker on--it's much easier to tell the stars are stars when you look at the big version.

And the map-blouse Claire and I made looks awesome. And what's not to love about a spaghetti scepter?

Photography: Claire Marika Photography

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Katie and Ryan's wedding

These two are me doing her hair and makeup:

I made Ryan's boutonniere and helped make the bouquets:

It was a gorgeous wedding, and I'm glad I got to help with it.
CM Photography

Saturday, August 22, 2009

1940's photo shoot

40s-style photo shoot. I did the hair, Haleh Risdana did the makeup: airbrush, and wardrobe.
Photographer: Jeff Blake.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Katie's bridals

Hair and makeup for my friend Katie's bridals. I'll be doing her H&M for her wedding too, next week, so more pictures then!
Photographer: Claire Marika

Linda's wedding

My friends Linda and Nick's wedding. I did her hair and makeup. She's wearing her mom's wedding dress from the 70's! Isn't it awesome?
Photographer: Claire Marika

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Inspector 42 (student film)

Inspector 42
, set in the 50s, shot in black and white. The story is about these two:

They work in a shirt factory.



Here's one of my makeup crew touching up Mr. Haggerty. No shine!

Well, the inspector lets some shoddy shirts slide and people start getting hurt:
So he gets beat up by a mob, reunites with the girl, and gets taken away in a 1950's cop car:
This was a large scale film. They said it was the biggest student film project at BYU since forever. I was head of the makeup/hair department, so I mostly designed, organized, and supervised. I did do some hair and makeup, like the main actress's, but we had a large team of Paul Mitchell students helping us, thank goodness, because the cast was so big. They were there every day, those wonderful people.
Here's a link to the trailer, but it's on facebook, so you have to have a fb account to see it

Director/Co-writer - Nathan Lee
Producer/Writer - Lyvia A. Martínez
Unit-Production Manager - Diane Mayne
Production Coordinator - Diana Lewis
Director of Photography - Derek Pueblo
Production Design - Whitney Donald
Wardrobe - Rachel Haab and Melanie Kowallis
Sound - Brenton Williamson
Transportation - Jon Ventura
Locations - Skyler Brunner and Diana Lewis
Post-production Supervisor - Kristi Shimek

Flight commercials

So this was a set of three student-made commercials we filmed last month--each about various children who're trying to fly. There's the balloon boy, the rocket boy, and the one who builds a glider after being inspired by a crop duster. Basically my job was to make them all very, very dirty. The commercials are advertising BYU Independent Study and will air around the end of September. They'll be on KBYU and play between sessions of the LDS general conference, so keep an eye out!

Lest We Forget (student film)

Here's my summary of the student film Lest We Forget. There were two characters, but there were 4 different looks for each of them as we flipped between present and three versions of the same flashback. This is the movie poster made up by Aimee Devine, one of our great producers:

Look #1: The Present. Two young professionals meet again by chance after seven years:

Look #2: Her Version: She reminisces about the last day they saw each other, seven years earlier.

Look #3: His Version. He remembers that day differently:

Here, they're pictured with director Courtney Branning:

Look #4: How it should have happened:

We filmed over 2 days in May. The film will be done with post in a few more weeks. It was fun coming up with all the different looks, and also making sure all the flashbacks would fit in 2002, seven years ago. I used extensions on the actress for the flashbacks, to make her look younger. It's the first time I've really used them, and they were great.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

El Maldito, the vampire-western. caution: blood and gore

Here's the story of the student film El Maldito in a nutshell while showing off my makeup: Joel, this 19th century western vampire, kills someone:

The sheriff takes him away on a train, which is attacked by these three other vampires:

They kill some people, thus:

These vampires don't have fangs, so when they bite someone, they rip and tear:

Struggle, struggle, Joel and the vampire's sister jump off the train.
Nicole points a gun at him in front of a campfire. They go back to the train for her brother.
Nicole gets slashed across the face, and the sheriff gets elbowed in the nose, but they kill most of the vampires, and take Joel home with them.

One week later, their maladies are healing, but look sore:

Nicole's scar was great fun. The director said very specifically that she didn't want a "hot girl" scar, like they usually have in movies.

Here, I'm touching up Nicole's scar, but I put this up so you can see how ill Joel looks. I realized too late that we didn't really have any pictures of him in sick makeup. Click on the picture to see it bigger, and his makeup better:

The vampire and the sheriff's sister. classic:
It was my very first student film project. We shot in February and March. Lots of fun: fun crew, fun cast, fun story. My regret: Nicole's wig. Learned a lot.
Director: Vanessa Barney
DP: Tenille Olsen